Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mae's First Day of School

Yesterday, Mae and I went to our first day of school. We are participating in the county's Ready To Learn program, sponsored by the public school system for kids under 5.

Our infant group, meets twice a month where we learn all kinds of fun activities and hang out with other mommies and babies from our town. In our first class, we played with a colorful beach ball to strengthen our crawling muscles and learn how to "push". We also did some baby stretches to help with future writing; we played with blocks and muffin tins to learn some fine motor skills; and we practiced picking up dolls from contact paper to practice fine motor skills and explore our senses.

We didn't get any pictures in class because we weren't sure we were allowed. But we will get some in the future so you can see all the fun Mae is having.

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