Friday, January 9, 2009

Sick, but stately

The babies and Kirsten are fairing well so far this year -- all home sick with a virus. So, fun time for them has to be creative and low-energy (have to save up strength to heal!).

Today's fun was putting Mae's hair up in a pony tail. It's hard to tell with all her curls, but it's almost long enough! She was very proud of her "punny tell," as she called her through her congestion. When not sick, her pronounciation has gotten very good and becomes clearer every day. Ben, on the other hand (who is also talking all the time), is still hard to understand :)

We hope everyone is staying warm and healthy so far this year!


Natasha, Phil, Alex, Zachary & Madelyn said...

Your favorite picture is my favorite picture! I just want to pinch that little cutie, and then of course kiss him up!

Richard, Kirsten, Mae and Ben said...

I know! The dimples are really hard to resist!

But I just love your little redhead, such handsome boys! We all make pretty cute babies, I would say.