Wednesday, August 20, 2008


That's probably the best way to describe the epidemic currently raging through our house. Now that we have ours hooked up (which I am embarressed to say took a little while), we are hooked and trying to "infect" anyone who comes by. Our latest victims: Rich's parents!

We are one of those lucky households that has a Wii Fit -- even more addicting! When Robyn was visiting, we got totally addicted and now it is a regular pasttime AFTER the kids go to bed. We found Mae kept trying to do Wii with you, and since the system is calibrated to your weight it acts screwy when a 25-pound toddler jumps on board.

If you haven't tried Wii yet -- DON'T! It's way to fun and addicting! If you have a Wii, drop us an email! One of these days we are going to venture online and would love to find friends to battle Guitar Hero or challenge in pool or even curl (we have both curling games!) with.

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