Big Sis and Lil Sis model matching hats Robyn had made!
Our Florida adventures would never be complete with out visiting our favorite Florida resident, Robyn! We drove over to Tallahassee, where Robyn is busy with summer classes, to meet with some of her sorority sisters and friends! While the weather turned incredibly humid and extremely raining (intermitently), the visit was fabulous!
Robyn took us to visit the new biology building on campus and we picked out a cute new FSU outfit for her soon-to-be brother. Then we had some fantastic sushi from a little place Robyn and her boyfriend had recently discovered. As fabulous as dinner was, though, it paled in comparison to the wonderful company.
It was a great visit, but as always, too short. Lucky for us -- we get to see her again for a few days before the fall semester begins! Until then, we miss her and can't wait to see her again soon! Robyn, Mae and Josh pose in front of the sushi restaurant
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