Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Stone-Cold Baby!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Big Sis and Lil Sis model matching hats Robyn had made!
Our Florida adventures would never be complete with out visiting our favorite Florida resident, Robyn! We drove over to Tallahassee, where Robyn is busy with summer classes, to meet with some of her sorority sisters and friends! While the weather turned incredibly humid and extremely raining (intermitently), the visit was fabulous!
Robyn took us to visit the new biology building on campus and we picked out a cute new FSU outfit for her soon-to-be brother. Then we had some fantastic sushi from a little place Robyn and her boyfriend had recently discovered. As fabulous as dinner was, though, it paled in comparison to the wonderful company.
It was a great visit, but as always, too short. Lucky for us -- we get to see her again for a few days before the fall semester begins! Until then, we miss her and can't wait to see her again soon! Robyn, Mae and Josh pose in front of the sushi restaurant
Friday, June 20, 2008
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!
On Friday -- coincidentally Mae's 15-month birthday -- the gang went to MGM/Hollywood Disney! Some of us had been before sometime ago, others had never been. For those that haven't been, this Disney park features the awesome Rock 'n Roller Coaster and the Tower of Terror -- which is one of the most amazing rides! Did you know that it is run by a computer that randomizes the ride so that you never have the same experience each time you ride it? Of course, Kirsten wouldn't know... She's still pregnant and couldn't ride it.
But she did get to go to the Disney Playhouse show -- an absolute FAVORITE of Mae's!!! Mae is a big fan of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny and the Little Einsteins -- all pre-school shows on the Disney Channel. And she went crazy to see them in person!
While all the "big" and unrestricted riders were off, Kirsten and Aunt Terry also took Mae to see the Little Mermaid show -- another hit! We all concluded the day with the big park finale show -- Fantasmic! It claimed to be the best Disney finale of all the parks, and it certainly was outstanding! We'll need to check out all the other finales before making a final judgement... maybe we'll check out EuroDisney next? (Just kidding, Rich!)
To see more pictures from our MGM/Hollywood Disney adventure, please see our online photo album:
Thursday, June 19, 2008
One thing we learned -- if you want to see Shamu during peak-tourist season, plan to spend the day. We did not think Mae and Kirsten could handle another full-day out in the heat, so we skipped the Shamu shows but got to see some other terrific sights!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Frese Family Get-together
A 6-foot inflatable birthday cake! Perfect for a diabetic birthday boy who enjoys lounging in the pool!
With Kirsten's Dad (Pop-pop) turning 60 -- or as the family decided, "joining the Sex-igenarians" -- it was a great opportunity to get the family together. We were so lucky to see Pop-pop's cousin, Romey, for lunch one day and have his older brother -- Uncle Fred -- and his younger sister and her husband -- Aunt Charlton and Uncle John -- spend a day with us! Later in the week, our adopted Aunt Terry is coming for a few days as well!
Kirsten's Dad, Aunt Charlton and Uncle Fred
Although his actual birthday was Monday (at Disney), he waited to open all of his gifts until most of us were together. Everyone had a nice laugh at the "G33Z3R" or "O1D M4N" as some of his gifts suggested. Then the younger generation taught their seniors how to Wii. Some of the family became particularly hooked on Guitar Hero -- others of us are still struggling to understand the program's sense of timing.
For more pictures of Pop-pop's gifts ( or to see more pictures of the family get-togethers (, check out our online photo albums.Monday, June 16, 2008
Mickey's World!
For Kirsten's Dad's (Pop-pop) 60th birthday, he wanted to do what he always wants to do: go to Disneyland! This was especially exciting, because it was Mae's first visit! I am not sure who was more excited -- Mae, Pop-pop, or everyone else who was there for this momentous visit!
We won't bore you with all the details, but we all had a FANTASTIC TIME!!! Kirsten did freak out a few times, worrying about Mae's first time on a ride or meeting a life-size Mickey Mouse or handling the heat or Mae getting in a nap -- but things were great and Mae more-than-survived 12 hours in Disneyland!
We got so wrapped up in all the excitement, we didn't take as many pictures as we thought we might have, but we've posted more pictures in our family photo album if you'ld like to take a look:
PS -- Jenn always complains that we don't include the most flattering photos of her on this blog, so here's one just for her!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's/Birth Day!
We are so lucky this trip to not only see both grandfathers on Father's Day -- but also to celebrate with Opi on his 75th birthday (also on Father's Day) and with Pop-pop on his 60th birthday (the day after Father's Day)!
Although we couldn't spend as much time with Opi as we would've liked, we hope he had a GREAT birthday and Father's Day! What a great trip!
And Happy Father's Day to all our friends who are fathers -- or are about to become one!!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Island fun!
It was such a beautiful day, we also took in the beach where Rich and Mae got a surprise opportunity to watch a large school of sting rays swim up the coast -- and right by their legs as they were hanging out in the ocean. Kirsten, however, freaked out and ran screaming from the water like a little girl -- much to the amusement of bystanders. We also attempted to build a sand castle with the girl. Of course, at this age, all Mae wants to do is smash whatever you build up -- but fun for all.