Mae has made amazing strides in her communication skills these past few months, letting us know what she wants ("milk"), what she doesn't want (any food we serve her), what she likes ("book"), what she doesn't like ("nap"), what she wants to do ("watch") and who she wants to see ("momma-daddeeeeee"). She has even gotten very good at different people's names, but one name she has trouble with is her Unkie Will. For awhile, we tried to get her to say "wee-yum," which was how he pronounced his name at this age. Then we tried unkie "WEEEEEE!," thinking she would find this fun to say. But nothing stuck until his last visit. And she decided, in her little one-year-old mind, that his name was Monkey Will. And in a way, it fits.

Thanks for being a good sport, Monkey Will!
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