Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Day of School

This week was Mae had her first day of school! She is again participating in Wake County's wonderful Ready to Learn program at a nearby elementary school. This year, she is in the Toddler Time program for Ones and will be going once a week.

Today was more of an orientation for the parents, but Mae had a chance to play with some of the kids that will be in her class of about 12. For the first time, she actually played catch with another little girl, and then spent a fair amount of time trying to "bargain" with the other kids for different play-kitchen utensils (she kept offering different spatulas and playfood to get a fork and a knife). Of course, she was the only one to throw a tantrum at having to put the toys away. Thank goodness Unkie Will was here to help out and watch Ben!

We are very excited about the upcoming year!

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