Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happy Birthday, Ben!

We are elated and proud to annouce the arrival of Benjamin Walter Collins, born July 23, 2008 at 4:01 p.m. He weighed 8 lbs., 14 ozs. and measured 20 inches.

Ben before...

Although his birth time was delayed several times that day, the actual birth was easy and very successful. Kirsten and Ben will be staying at the hospital until at least Saturday, but we are excited to bring them home.
... and after!


Natasha, Phil, Alex, Zachary & Madelyn said...

He is adorable and a great addition to your family!
We can't wait for more photos.

Natasha, Phil, Alex, Zachary & Madelyn said...

he's so cute, he's pinching his own cheeks!

The Beatty's said...

Hooray! Welcome Ben and Congratulations Kirsten, Rich, Robin and Mae! Can't wait to send some good stuff your way and chat with you about the experience!

Shirley said...

This is just a little late but, I just checked in and was delighted to find the wonderful pictures of Ben. What a cutie!!
Would love to see all of you soon.
Miss ya