Now, fast-forward to last week. Mae and Kirsten were out and about in a classical wooden toy store where she fell IN LOVE with this "Dancing Aligator" walking toy (sorry, Robyn!). She spent the day hugging it and seems to be now calling it "Bobbo." Kirsten thought this might be a fun toy now that she's mobile and might give me a few minutes distraction during the day to run to the bathroom or fix lunch.
Over the weekend, we tried to prompt her to use her toy (instead of just hugging it) and say, "Mae, let's walk Bobbo," to which she replied in a growl, "Wa-wa-walk!" we (wrongfully) assumed the growl was for Bobbo - but we quickly learned it was for Mae. Now, we were fully intending for her to walk Bobbo, but in her mind "walking" means she has to hold our hand. So, she grabbed Bob's string in one hand and Kirsten's finger in the other and proceeded to lead both around the kitchen! This was how we spent much of Sunday (and now a part of our daily routine).
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