... as Mae says it, when she says it. Sometimes she said "tick or teet," but most of the time she seemed pretty confused about the whole Halloween thing. When our neighbors opened their doors, she thought she was supposed to go in or play with their puppies. Sometimes she would take candy from their bowls, other times she might accept the candy offered by the host. One time, she actually took candy out of her bucket and gave it to the guy who opened the door. And Ben -- he really didn't seem to see a point to the outing.

But we had a great time showing off our semi-homemade Sesame Street costumes. Mae is currently in love with Elmo and his many friends on the street. So Mae dressed up as the adorable red monster, Ben was Cookie Monster, Rich donned Oscar the Grouch and Kirsten was Abby Caddabby (Elmo's new buddy). Most people figured out who we were, but just in case we taped the Sesame Street sign to the stroller.

We hope everyone else had a sweet Halloween and scored enough candy to last them until Christmas!!!
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