In our new North Carolina home, snow is a rare occurance (so is rain it seems this year). While we were in Vermont, we received 3 inches of snow allowing Mae the opportunity to check out that wicked cold white stuff.
Mae plays with Cousin Rusty in the snow.
We would like to say it was a success. We would like to say she thought it was fantastic fun. We would like to say she is an all-weather girl. After the trauma of putting on the snow suit, it just kind of went downhill.
Making a snow angel with Mae's Daddy.
Mae's daddy "helped" her make a snow angel, thus inducing tears. She did, however, like sitting in the snow to watch her cousins play and she loved riding on the snow mobile with Uncle Roger.
Cousins Rusty, Curtis and Greg (with Curtis' awesome snowman in the background).
We'll try snow again next year (unless of course we are lucky enough to see it in Raleigh sometime soon)!